Midweek meets

Throughout the year the club has an 'official' club night on Wednesday evenings.
Over the winter this is at a local climbing wall, usually EICA Ratho
Over the summer this is at a local (or not so local in midsummer) crag if the weather is amenable, or a local climbing wall if not.
A regular contingent of members also climb on a Monday evening.

Anyone interested in joining the club is welcome to come along to either of these evenings, but it's worth getting in touch with the first to make sure that someone will be there!

Updates on climbing plans: We have an email list to coordinate plans on any given evening — the latest emails can be seen here. This should give an up-to-date idea of where we are likely to be.

Related pages:

2024 summer midweek meets

Details of this year's midweek meets are listed below.

Date Venue Notes
01 May Rosyth Quarry SS 20:52 Repair to Hawes Inn for a meal (last food order 20.45)
08 May Traprain SS 21:06
15 May Auchinstarry SS 21:20
22 May Benny Beg SS 21:32
29 May Dunkeld SS 21:43
05 Jun Aberdour SS 21:52 LW 20:35 17:35->23:35
12 Jun Kyloe SS 21:58
19 Jun Aberdour SS 22:02 LW 19:31 16:31->22:31
26 Jun Loudoun Hill SS 22:02
03 Jul Aberdour SS 21:59 LW 19:23 16:23->22:23
10 Jul Dunkeld SS 21:53
17 Jul Aberdour SS 21:45 LW 18:02 15:02->21:02
24 Jul Auchinstarry SS 21:34
31 Jul Aberdour SS 21:21 LW 18:09 15:09->21:09
07 Aug Benny Beg SS 21:06
14 Aug Traprain SS 20:50
21 Aug Rosyth Quarry SS 20:33
28 Aug Aberdour SS 20:16 LW 16:36 13:36->19:36

SS = sunset    LW = Low tide (followed by possible climbing times),
Usual wet weather alternative: EICA Ratho.